How to Select a Backup Generator for Your Business
15th Feb 2014
One day without power can be very costly to your business. Besides losing money, it can possibly steer customers to the front door of your competition! This is where having a standby backup generator can put you in control of your own destiny! Time keeps moving and you need to keep pace. Power outages mean lost business, employees have nothing to do, food can spoil, customers get turned away, etc.
Businesses have a heavy reliance on electricity to operate: computers, cash registers, machinery, lighting, etc. Everything comes to a halt when the power is out! Depending on how many power interruptions you encounter, a backup generator for your business can pay for itself within the first year or two.
Basic items to increase awareness:
- Commercial Generators can be small or large due to the demands it takes to run your small/med/large business.
- Depending on the scope of your businesses electrical needs… as Amperage demands go up, Voltages change from 120/240V, 1 phase to 3 Phase Voltages: 120/240V or 120/208V or 277/480V, 3 phase.
- Typically your goal is to stay with the Voltage that is feeding your main distribution panel, (helps you make less adjustments downstream, we are happy to assist and point you in the correct direction).
- It is crucial to size your generator correctly and be aware of the benefits available where possibly using load shedding modules or lockout relays can help you manage loads.
- Be aware of your critical / essential loads, ones necessary for the Generator to carry while Utility power is out. This can help you focus on a cost effective generator, sized to carry the loads necessary to keep your business up and running.
NationwideGenerators.com understands that applications vary, please Contact Us and our knowledgeable generator experts will work with you to ensure the best package for your needs is selected. Browse and shop our selection of Commercial Standby Generators.